Dr. Martin C. Wolff

Dr. phil. Martin C. Wolff works as an entrepreneur and scientist in Berlin. He supports initiatives and associations in the business, church, and non-profit sectors. As the founder of technology companies, he develops products and services for digitalization and cybersecurity. Since 2016, he has been teaching at Humboldt University of Berlin and the Hasso Plattner Institute of the University of Potsdam on philosophy, governance, economics, and ethics in the digital age. In 2021, he published a theory on “Digital Sovereignty.”

He completed his studies in various humanities and social sciences, business administration, and law in Berlin, Hagen, and Freiburg, earning a Magister and a Master’s degree. After training as a communication coach and in martial arts, he trained police and security forces in communication, de-escalation, and operational self-defense at the Berlin Administrative Academy from 2004 to 2014. With his dissertation “Ernst und Entscheidung” (Seriousness and Decision), he developed a philosophical theory of conflicts. He holds a Magister in Philosophy and a Master’s in Supervision and Pastoral Psychology.

Since 2016, he has been on the board of CNSS, serving as its chairman since 2019, and since 2021, he has been the head of the International Clausewitz Center (ICZ) at the Leadership Academy of the German Armed Forces.